Our new exciting product
The MWRP funding management database marketplace is our new exciting product in development. The bespoke database has been developed using ASP.NET. The system manages and assigns grants funded by USAID.
The MWRP funding management database marketplace is our new exciting product in development. The bespoke database has been developed using ASP.NET. The system manages and assigns grants funded by USAID.
Our clients will save several months if not years of development time with our whitelabel solution. Customisation time is only 10-12 weeks, this will mean the integration of their live API’s and core operations needs.
Building and deploying infrastructure and support systems can take toll Infrastructure deployment and scaling time could be as little as 4 weeks
Our in house support team can be extended to serve you and your clients on a dedicated basis instead of our clients having to build and train their team, we can provide them resource with support they need within 6-8 weeks.
Keeping our system on track with latest developments
We release system updates based on customer feedback and technology updates to keep our systems up to date
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